Nationwide Protests in Nigeria: Demands and Goals

As momentum builds for the planned nationwide protests against poor governance and economic hardship, protesters have outlined their demands.

Dockaysworld reports that these protests are set to occur across all states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, in August.

Recent spikes in food and commodity prices have exacerbated Nigeria's economic crisis, following the government's removal of petrol subsidies and the unification of foreign exchange rates. In response, Nigerians are taking to the streets to voice their concerns.

Protesters have vowed to continue their demonstrations until significant changes are made. They have also stated that if any protester is harmed, they will not relent until President Tinubu and his cabinet resign.

Protesters’ Demands:

1. **Fuel Price Reduction:** Reduce petrol pump price to N100 per liter.
2. **Address Insecurity and Hunger:** Close all IDP camps and resettle the campers to combat insecurity and hunger.
3. **Electoral Reform:** Implement comprehensive electoral reform and conduct an independent audit of the N355 billion electoral budget.
4. **Release #EndSARS Detainees:** Immediately release all detained #EndSARS protesters.
5. **Living Wage:** Set a minimum wage of N300,000.
6. **Free Education:** Provide free education from primary to secondary school and offer an education grant at the tertiary level.
7. **Public School Mandate:** Require children of all public office holders to attend public schools.
8. **Support Local Products:** The government must prioritize made-in-Nigeria goods.
9. **Unicameral Legislature:** Transition to a unicameral legislature.
10. **Judicial and Constitutional Reforms:** Implement thorough judicial and constitutional reforms.

Additional Demands:

1. **New Constitution:** Replace the 1999 Constitution with a people-made constitution through a Sovereign National Conference and a National Referendum.
2. **Abolish Senate:** Eliminate the Senate, retain the House of Representatives, and make lawmaking a part-time endeavor.
3. **Higher Minimum Wage:** Set a minimum wage of at least N250,000 per month.
4. **Education Investment:** Heavily invest in education, ensuring free and compulsory education nationwide.
5. **Release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu:** Unconditionally release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and demilitarize the South East.
6. **Renationalize Enterprises:** Renationalize publicly owned enterprises sold to government officials and cronies.
7. **Subsidy Regime:** Reinstate a corruption-free subsidy regime to reduce hunger and poverty.
8. **Corruption Probe:** Investigate past and present leaders who have looted the treasury, recover the stolen funds, and reinvest them.
9. **Restructuring for Diversity:** Restructure Nigeria to accommodate its diversity, resource control, decentralization, and regional development.
10. **Security Reforms:** Reform security agencies to stop human rights violations and enhance citizens’ security.
11. **Energy Fund:** Establish a Special Energy Fund for power sector development.
12. **Electoral Body Reconstitution:** Reconstitute INEC to remove corrupt and partisan officials.
13. **Public Works Investment:** Invest in public works and industrialization to employ Nigerian youths.
14. **Judiciary Overhaul:** Cleanse the judiciary of corrupt judges and officers to ensure justice.
15. **Diaspora Voting:** Introduce voting for Nigerians abroad.

Smoking and drinking have been banned on protest grounds to maintain order and focus.


  1. Please let all this comes to an end please, please let the protest hold please,


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